
Friday, May 14, 2010

AF showed!

So here I am again AF is in full swing. I am so confused as to why this keeps happening. I hate being a girl , and a girl who wants to get pregnant at that. My husband and I have been married for four years this year. We met when we were in high school. So yes, we are high school sweet hearts. So sweet I know. I work in an elementary school and my husband is a police officer. I am going to school to become an art teacher, which has been my life long dream since elementary school.
So here is the low down. My husband and I began to talk about babies two years ago. I had just turned 25 so we threw out the birth control, I was excited and optimistic. A year went by and I went to talk to my OBGYN to see what she thought about me not getting pregnant. She said "You are young, you will get pregnant don't worry about it right now. But if you want here is some Clomid and go get an HSG." So I took the Clomid for two months, (hate the stuff let me tell ya) and nothing happened. I didn't have the HSG because I had not met my deductible yet. So we were at a stand still again. So the summer came and I turned 26. I was not to anxious yet but I did start to have a nagging feeling that something had to be wrong with us. So I asked my hubby to get tested and he reluctantly did, he was normal as could be. His swimmers were doing just that, swimming but where?
I then put my brave face on and started the round of blood work. FSH, estrogen,LH, CF, blah blah, blah ,I was normal as well. Now came the hard part; the HSG. So I went in expecting the worst pap smear of my life and well it was annoying and uncomfortable but I made it through with minor cramping during it but none afterwards, I was very lucky. There was a lot of pain on left side as they pushed the dye through which could have indicated a blockage. But we would never know.
My hubby and I went on to do timed intercourse after the HSG, we both thought this had to be it this time. I had to have had a blockage, and now that it was clear we would finally get pregnant, but nope, AF showed her ugly face. So I went onto Clomid again, first I had a vaginal ultra-sound to check my follicles. And wow! I had a lot! 8 on the right side and 7 on the left. I just knew we would get pregnant this month.
So we did the meds we timed the intercourse and went on for two weeks praying. I then began to get pain in my groin and joint pain, then the boobs started hurting. I knew she was on her way. But then I began to research about pubic pain and it was referred back to being pregnant. I prayed so hard that this was it. Well it wasn't she came again yesterday and I was devastated. I mean really this time I was so defeated and down.
My husband and I began to talk about jumping to IVF, but we are both students and we knew we wouldn't be approved for another loan. So I cried and we fought. I hate hormones. We finally decided we will look into grants and just pray. So here we are stuck. My birthday is in July and I will be 27, I really wanted to be pregnant by now. Oh well, I will keep on keeping on somehow.

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